Welcome to Connect for Windows release 3.6.2!
Windows 3.6.2 is primarily a maintenance release.
The release schedule is:
Release 1: 5th September
- Beta-AU
- Beta-NZ
- Beta-UK (Early Beta)
Release 2: 8th September
Release 3: 13th September
- EA-UK (Stable 2)
Release 4: 19th September
- GA-UK (Stable 1)
Release 5: 21st September
Release 6: 26th September
- Consumers (Parent Customers)
Please follow our maintenance updates here.
New Features
- We added support for the Classwize Screenshot History Service. This feature will be made available soon in Classwize.
Fixes and Improvements
- Upgrades to the agent filter to improve performance and stability.
- We improved the enrollment process
- We resolved some minor defects