29 June, 2021
We continue to work on improvements to School Manager by adding more powerful search capabilities to Diagnostics, Edge Networking, and Configurations. Moreover, this update also now allows you to report and flag searches within Youtube.
We have fixed a few bugs that prevented some configurations from appearing in a few rules and report pages, as well as made small adjustments to navigation and support details.
Core Dumps now features search functionality. Core Dumps search allows administrators and Linewize technicians to search for configurations or groups of configurations, and this translates to your ability to fix issues more quickly and accurately.
Search is now available in the Reports and Alerts page to help you locate emailed Reports and Alerts configurations. Simply enter a keyword in the Search bar and the page will filter the list for you.
School Manager now has the capability to filter YouTube searches for terms that are configured in the Filtering rules, keyword object pools, and certain predefined signatures.
The Mobile Apps page has been deprecated and removed from the Cyber Safety section. If you still wish to access this feature, contact the .
We have fixed an issue with changing passwords that used to refresh the page for some users without prompt. Now, you can stay on the page when you reset your password. We also added a nifty toggle to view or hide your new password.
We have fixed an issue where Cyber Safety groups were unavailable from the Activity and Compliance dashboard. It is now easier for users to jump from one group to another via the group selection drop-down list on the Activity and Compliance page.
We have updated our support email address. To contact technical support via email, send your help and info requests to edusupport@familyzone.com.
A bug that prevented updated names of Time Periods from appearing in Edge Networking > QOS > Edit Rule has been removed. Now you can see the updated Time Periods’ names when you set up rules on quality of service.
We have fixed an issue where the DirectIP option in editing rules did not appear consistently when users typed this option. With the issue resolved, typing “DirectIP” in the Criteria Type selector for a rule brings it up instantly.
It is now possible to search Log Files using alphanumeric and special characters. Whereas the search function in Diagnostics > Log Files used to accept numbers only, you can now add letters and special characters when you search log files.