Welcome to School Manager 2021-007!
We continue to add improvements to School Manager by giving you a more consistent Student Journey Report generation and uninterrupted navigation.
The Student Journey Report is on limited release. For more information about this feature, contact Linewize Support (United States (844-723-3932) | Australia 1300 687 052 | New Zealand 0800 445 206).
Fixes and Improvements
- We have fixed a bug that required users to manually refresh the page when exporting large Student Journey Reports. With this bug gone, users are instead notified automatically that they will receive the report by email.
- We solved an issue that caused sorting discrepancies between the exported Student Journey Report and the Student Journey online. The exported Student Journey Report now matches the way it was sorted by the user prior to exporting.
- We have fixed the Student Journey Time Slider’s incorrect time increments. Users can now generate more accurate Student Journey Reports that cover a range of 11 hours or less.
- We have fixed an issue that created a grey overlay when Filtering Enabled is toggled on/off in Configurations > Mobile Agent. Users can now work with School Manager without interruptions.
- We corrected a bug where permanent association was created even when a MAC address was added to Association Exceptions. Now that this issue is gone, MAC addresses will not be allowed to create permanent associations.