Welcome to Mobile Zone for Chrome 1.8.5!
Our focus for this release has been on improving performance and giving teachers better visibility on what their students are actually up to.
We’re rolling this update out in stages over the next week, so it may take a little while for it to be available for you.
New Features
- We've improved the logic behind when Mobile Zone takes screenshots. It now takes a screenshot if:
- the student opens a new tab or window.
- the student goes to a new website.
- the teacher sends a message or pauses the internet.
- it hasn't taken another screenshot in the last ten seconds.
Bug Fixes
- We discovered and fixed a situation where entering a Bypass Code didn't actually let you bypass anything.
- Some strange things were happening when students opened a blank page as a new tab or were in one of Chrome's internal (chrome://) menus. There should be less strangeness (and fewer crashes) now.